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Cartoon Animator. Henson became an animator after graduating from high school in Dallas, Texas, and moving to California. While in California he joined the Disney Studios. At Disney he was part of a team of animators who helped create such characters as, ‘Chip ‘n Dale. He later helped create Boris and Natasha and Rocky & Bullwinkle, with the late Jay Ward and Bill Scott. Later, he moved to New York and did work on the cartoon, ‘Casper The Friendly Ghost’ and then in Mexico, where, with 180 animatores, he created, ‘Underdog,’ ‘Tennessee Tuxedo’ and ‘Trix The Rabbitt.’ Among the animated films he worked on are, “Peter And The Wolf” (1946), “Song Of The South” (1946) and “Pecos Bill” (1948). He died in Dallas, Texas, after being hit by a car. (bio by: K)
- July, 20, 1924
- December, 12, 2002