Vincenzo Cerami (Vincenzo Cerami)

Vincenzo Cerami

Novelist, Screenwriter. He will be best remembered for the script of the Oscar-winning film “Life Is Beautiful” (1997). In 1976, he published his first novel “Un borghese piccolo piccolo”, ferocious satire about middle-class frustrations of the italian in the seventies which was followed by a successful film adaptation starring Alberto Sordi. During a literary career lasted over thirty years, Cerami wrote several novels including notably “Amorosa presenza” (1978), the novel in verse, “Addio Lenin” (1981), “Ragazzo di vetro” (1983) and “La lepre” (1988), a historical and fantastic novel, according to many his best work after the debut novel. Among his other notable works, “L’ipocrita” (1991), “La gente” (1993), “l Signor Novecento” (1994), “Consigli a un giovane scrittore” (1996) “Fattacci” (1997), “La sindrome di Tourette” (2005) and “Vite bugiarde” (2007). His credits as a screenwriter include scripts for films and plays such as “Life Is Beautiful”, for which he was nominated for an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, “The Little Devil”, starring Roberto Benigni and Walter Matthau, “Il mostro”, “L’amore delle tre melarance” and “L’enclave des Papes’ and ‘Ring”. He died at age of seventy-three after a brief illness. (bio by: Ruggero)


  • November, 02, 1940
  • Italy


  • July, 07, 2013
  • Italy


  • Cimitero Flaminio
  • Lazio
  • Italy

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