Vicente Beltrán Grimal (Vicente Beltrán Grimal)

Vicente Beltrán Grimal

Artist. He was born in Sueca, Valencia. Son of peasants, he studied in Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Carlos with Vicente Ballester Marco, among others. In 1922, he moved to Roma where obtained big success with sculptures such as “Aurora” and “Aretusa.” Also he was married with radio host Anita Ricci. In 1928, he returned to Valencia, where he engraved four reliefs and two sculptures that symbolize the Fortitude and the Temperance for the front of the Town Hall of Valencia. During Spanish Civil War, he was the president of the Council for the Preservation of the Artistic Patrimony. After the war, he was denounced and enjailed. Even in the jail, he developed the Art Workshop for painters, sculptors and illustrators in the jail. In the 40s, he worked as gravestones and religious images sculptor. His sculpture is included in modernist style, with influences of classicism of Greek sculptures. In the centenary of his birth, the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia make an exhibition of his works. Among others “Añoranza,” “Torso de Mujer,” “Danzarina,” “Polifemo y Galatea,” “Alegoría de la República,” “Mujer Tocando la Flauta” and “Las Tres Hijas del Sol.” A street bears his name in Valencia as a tribute. He died in Valencia. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)


  • March, 12, 1896


  • May, 05, 1963


  • Cementeri de Valencia
  • Valenciana
  • Spain

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