San Pasqual Battlefield Monument (San Pasqual Battlefield Monument)

This battle at San Pasqual lasted but a few days in December of 1846 during the two year Mexican-American conflict which saw California ceded to the U.S. The unlucky opponents were the Americans under Gen Stephen W. Kearny leader of the army of the west and the Californios (Mexican forces) under the leadership of the Mexican commander General Andres Pico. It was the bloodiest battle of the war. The Americans were defeated in less than thirty minutes by the skillful Californios. Sixteen soldiers and two officers died, while sixteen others, including Gen Kearny were wounded. The Mexicans had no deaths and any wounded have never been ascertained. The bodies were buried under trees along nearby San Pasqual Creek. In 1874, the remains were removed to the San Diego Military Reservation (Became historic Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery)and were finally reinterred in the post cemetery when it was established in 1882. As the dead could not be individually identified, the gravesite was marked only as the burial place of 18 unknowns. In 1922, The San Diego Parlors of Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West had a large boulder brought from the San Pasqual Battlefield and placed at the gravesite. A bronze plaque, after careful research listed the names of 17 soldiers and 1 civilian (Kit Carson-Scout). (bio by: Paul S.)
- January, 01, 1970
- unknown
- January, 01, 1970
- unknown
- Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery
- California