Ricard Boix Oviedo (Ricard Boix Oviedo)

Ricard Boix Oviedo

Sculptor. He was born and died in Valencia (Spain). He studied in Academia de San Carlos and was friend of the artists Josep Renau, Francesc Badía and Rafael Pérez Contel. He also was the brother of sculptor Arturo Boix. In 1930, he moved during two months to Paris where discovered the egyptian sculpture. When he returned to Spain, developed his career as participant in several expositions with works such as “Idil.li,” “República Espanyola” and “Mico Roig” and he joined to association Acció d’Art. During Spanish Civil War, he was member of Alliance of Antifascists Artists and Intelectuals.  In 1937, he expose his work “Songez à la douleur d’Espagne” in the International Exhibition in Paris, that represented the tragedy of a bombardment among the civil poblation. In 1938, he exposed his work La Bèstia Feixista in Barcelona. After the Spanish Civil War, he was forced to work in religious figures and also was designer of gravestones and mausoleums, such as the grave of the politician Félix Azzati, graves of Torres Corell family and the pantheon of Sancho Ferrer family. In 1991, he received the Gold Medal of Cercle de Belles Arts of Valencia. He is known for his figures of apes. Among his works, often in art deco style are “Arquer,” “Mariner,” “Maternitat,” “Caps de Cavall,” “Penediment,” “Fúria,” “Sindicat,” “Presó” and the Althar of Santo Tomás Church in València.  (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)


  • April, 22, 1904


  • February, 02, 1994


  • Cementeri de Valencia
  • Valenciana
  • Spain

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