Renate Müller (Renate Müller)

Renate Müller

Actress. She performed on screen at the beginning of the 1930s. She made her stage debut in 1925 at the Harzer Bergtheater in the play “Sommernachtstraum.” In cinema, she debuted in Reinhold Schünzel’s “Peter, der Matrose” (1929). Schünzel directed eigth of her movies. She is best remembered for films such as “Liebling der Götter” (1930), “Die Privatsekretärin” (1931), “Saison in Kairo” (1933), “Viktor und Viktoria” (1933), “Die englische Heirat” (1934) and “Allotria” (1936). Her life was adapted for the screen in 1960 with the actress Ruth Leuwerik. The movie was called “Liebling der Götter” (60). Some sources say that she have a brief relationship with Hitler and she became addicted to morphine. Then, she went into a sanatorium, where she commited suicide jumping out of a window when a car pulled up outside the sanatorium and four SS officers got out. She was cremated in Wilmersdorf Krematorium. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)


  • April, 26, 1906


  • October, 10, 1937


  • Parkfriedhof Lichterfelde
  • Berlin
  • Germany

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