Ramón Gaya (Ramón Gaya)

Artist. He was born in Murcia (Spain) and died in Valencia. He was the last painter of Generation of 1927. At young age, he obtained a scholarship to study in Paris, where he exposed at the age of 17. He rejected the surrealism and he returned to Spain, where he worked for Government of the Second Spanish Republic. During Spanish Civil War, his wife died in a bombardment, and he was forced to exile. He developed his work in México and later, in Italy, until his return to Spain in 1974. He was influenced for Velázque, Rubens and Rembrandt. Also he was contributor in valencian magazine “Hora de España,” “Verso y Prosa” and “Litoral.” Among his works “La Piazzetta,” “Tejados de Madrid,” “Retrato de Ana Font” and “Homenajes.” He wrote several books such as “Velázquez, Pájaro Solitario,” “El Sentimiento de la Pintura,” “Homenaje a Picasso” and “Carta a un Músico Amigo.” He obtained the Gold Medal of Fine Arts in 1985. Cause of death: Old age and Alzheimer’s disease. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)
- October, 10, 1910
- October, 10, 2005
Cause of Death
- Old age and Alzheimer's disease. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)
- Cementerio de Nuestro Padre Jesús
- Murcia
- Spain