Pompey Factor (Pompey Factor)

Pompey Factor

Indian Wars Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. Served in the Indian Wars as a Private in the Indian Scouts, which were Native Americans in the United States Army service. He was awarded the CMOH for his bravery at the Pecos River, Texas on April 25, 1875. His citation reads “With 3 other men, he participated in a charge against 25 hostiles while on a scouting patrol”. His Medal was issued on May 28, 1875.   Isaac Payne, John Ward and Factor Pompey recieved the Award for rescuing their commanding officer Lt. John L. Bullis while sustaining heavy fire. They are three of four recepients who were in Seminole black scouts.  He never received his military pension because there was no record of his service. (bio by: Russ Dodge)


  • January, 01, 1970
  • USA


  • March, 03, 1928


  • Seminole Indian Scout Cemetery
  • Texas
  • USA

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