Pierre-Jean David d’Angers (Pierre Pierre-Jean David d'Angers)

Sculptor. Born in Angers, France, he was a French sculptor and medalists. As one of the most versatile artist of his era, he was judged by many contemporary critics to be the greatest sculptor of the 19th Century. He began modeling figures during his three-year sojourn in Italy, after winning the coveted Prix de Rome in 1811. In 1832, he received a government commission for the statue of Philopoemen of Megalopolis, General of the Achaeans. Through out his career, he transformed many of his large marble sculptors into exceptional quality smaller bronze pieces. In addition, he also sculptured many monuments and tombstones in the Le Pere Lachaise Cemetery, Paris. He died at age 67 in Paris, France. (bio by: John “J-Cat” Griffith)
- March, 12, 1788
- January, 01, 1856
- Cimetière du Père Lachaise
- France