Peter Falconio (Peter Marco Falconio)

Peter Falconio

Peter Falconio (20 September 1972 – 14 July 2001) was a British tourist from Hepworth, West Yorkshire, who disappeared in the Australian outback in July 2001, while travelling with girlfriend Joanne Lees. Falconio’s body has never been found and he is presumed dead. Peter Falconio and Lees were travelling at night along the Stuart Highway near Barrow Creek (between Alice Springs and Tennant Creek) in the Northern Territory on 14 July 2001, when a man (later identified to be Bradley Murdoch) in another vehicle flagged them down, and told them that he had noticed that their Kombi had engine trouble. After Falconio went to the rear of the vehicle with the man to investigate, Lees heard a shot fired. The man then threatened Lees with a gun, tied her up and covered her head, but she escaped while he was distracted (apparently while moving Peter Falconio’s body). She hid for five hours in nearby bushes before running out onto the road and flagging down a truck driver who removed her cable ties and took her to safety. Falconio’s body has never been found. At the committal hearing in December 2004, Lees told the court that her assailant tied her wrists together behind her, put a sack over her head and forced her into his ute (pick-up truck). She also stated that the person forced her between the seats of his vehicle and into the rear of his vehicle. She said she escaped from his ute and fled into the dark, hiding under bushes, while he tried to find her with a torch. Expert Aboriginal trackers, called from a nearby settlement, could find no sign of tracks other than Lees’ in the vicinity. Tracker Teddy Egan stated, “I see tracks where she run and fall down beneath tree. She lie there, hiding”.

To cope with the demands of the trial and the huge media contingent covering the trial proceedings, the Northern Territory Supreme Court in Darwin was renovated at a cost of A$900,000. Subsequent to his conviction, Murdoch appealed the conviction and sentence. On 10 January 2007, the Northern Territory Court of Criminal Appeal (NT CCA) dismissed both limbs of the appeal. Murdoch then applied for Special Leave to appeal to the High Court of Australia. On 21 June 2007, the High Court refused to grant Special Leave. Under the Australian judicial system, Murdoch has now exhausted all opportunities of appeal. Subsequent to the High Court of Australia refusing to grant Murdoch’s application for Special Leave, there was media speculation that Murdoch would lodge a further appeal.


  • September, 20, 1972
  • United Kingdom
  • Hepworth, West Yorkshire, England


  • July, 14, 2001
  • Australia

Cause of Death

  • homicide


  • body never found

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