Peter Britt (Peter Britt)

Peter Britt

Peter Britt was a Swiss immigrant who came to America, and then to Oregon in 1852 with his photography equipment in a wagon.  For 50 years he recorded the life and changes of Southern Oregon.  His photographs and story were published in 1977 in a book titled “Photographer of a Frontier, the Photography of Peter Brett” by Alan Clark Miller.  Peter Britt also participated in the agricultural changes in Oregon, planting fruit trees and opening Oregon’s first winery.  His varied career also included time as a miner, beekeeper, and meteorologist!  His former estate is now the site of the annual Peter Britt Festival in Jacksonville, Oregon.  Traces of the homestead are still there, including a Sequoia tree planted in 1874 to celebrate the birth of a son.Born in Obstalden, Glarus, Switzerland (bio by: RB)  Family links:  Spouse:  Amalia Grob Britt (1822 – 1871)*  Children:  Arnold Britt (1864 – 1864)*  Amalia Britt (1865 – 1954)*  Emil Britt (1882 – 1950)* *Calculated relationship


  • March, 12, 1818
  • Switzerland


  • October, 10, 1905
  • USA


  • Jacksonville Cemetery
  • Oregon
  • USA

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