Moses Jacob Ezekiel (Moses Jacob Ezekiel)

Artist. He was born in Richmond, Virginia into a home with a strong Jewish-Spanish heritage. He attended the Virginia Military Institute, as a “student- soldier” fought at the Battle of New Market, and after graduation studied in Europe before eventually moving to Rome, Italy where he became a world famous sculptor. Among his many great works are, “Christ Bound for the Cross”, “The Martyr” and “David Singing his Song of Glory”. He was knighted by King Emmanuel of Italy. He was selected to sculpt the Confederate Memorial for Arlington National Cemetery It dedicated in 1914. His funeral service was the first held at the amphitheater of the Arlington National Cemetery and he was buried at the base of the Confederate Memorial. (bio by: Bigwoo) Inscription:Moses J. EzekielSergeant of Company CBattalion of Cadets of theVirginia Military Institute
- October, 28, 1844
- March, 03, 1917
- Italy
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Virginia