Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez (Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez)

Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez

On July 16, 2015, Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a U.S. Navy Reserve center and continued firing, where he was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines died on the spot. A Navy sailor, a Marine recruiter, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later. On December 16, following an investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James B. Comey said that the shootings were “motivated by foreign terrorist organization propaganda.” The shootings began shortly after 10:30 a.m. at the Armed Forces Career Center in a strip mall located on Lee Highway. The Center recruited personnel for branches of the United States military, including the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, and the Tennessee National Guard. There, Abdulazeez fired 30 to 45 shots into the office from inside a silver rental Ford Mustang convertible, wounding a U.S. Marine. He then escaped and led members of the Chattanooga Police Department on a six miles (9.7 km) pursuit. At the time of the first shooting, only seven people, including the wounded Marine, were inside the recruiting center. Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez drove seven miles (11 km) to a U.S. Navy Reserve center on Amnicola Highway in Chattanooga, where he rammed his vehicle through a security gate. He drove to one of the center’s buildings, where the Inspector-Instructor staff of Mike Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marines and Sailors were working. Abdulazeez first fired at it, then charged inside and continued firing, fatally wounding a U.S. Navy sailor. Abdulazeez then exited the building through the back and entered a fenced motor pool area, where he shot several Marines. Three to five minutes after the second shooting began, he reentered the building, where he fired upon responding police officers and was fatally shot by them.

The entire incident lasted over thirty minutes, and an approximate total of 100 rounds were fired by Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez. Lock-downs were put into place at locations near the sites of the shootings. Following the shootings, officials stated that Abdulazeez was carrying an AK-47-style semi-automatic rifle and a 9mm handgun. A Saiga-12 shotgun was also recovered from his vehicle. He was also wearing a vest that could hold extra ammunition. A second semi-automatic rifle was seized at Abdulazeez’s home by police. In addition to the aforementioned weapons, investigators discovered a 9mm Glock handgun that may have been privately owned by one of the slain Marines and are determining if it was used against Abdulazeez during the shootings. It was also determined that the reserve center’s commanding officer used a personal firearm against Abdulazeez.

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  • September, 01, 1990
  • Kuwait


  • July, 16, 2015
  • USA
  • Chattanooga, Tennessee

Cause of Death

  • gunshot wounds

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