Max Asher (Max Asher)

Max Asher

Actor. Known as “The Funniest Dutch Comedian in Pictures,” Asher appeared in early Laurel & Hardy and Charly Chase films. He co-starred in a handful of “Mike and Jake” movies in the early teens. He started his career in vaudeville and in 1912 joined Mack Sennett and onto Universal’s “joker comedies” unit where he starred in a series of his own comedy shorts. Upon retirement in 1934, he became a make-up man for W.C. Fields and later opened a magic shop on the oceanfront. Actor in 177 films, Asher also did make-up for 7 films. (bio by: TLS)


  • May, 05, 1885
  • USA


  • April, 04, 1957
  • USA


  • Hollywood Forever Cemetery
  • California
  • USA

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