Martha McChesney Berry (Martha McChesney Berry)

Martha McChesney Berry

Educator. She was home schooled at her plantation home in Rome, Georgia until as a teenager she went to a girls school in Baltimore, Maryland. Her interest in education was piqued when she began teaching Bible stories to poor children who lived around the mountain retreat cabin that she inherited from her father. Concerned by their lack of education she began a day school that soon developed into the full fledged “Boys Industrial School” in 1902. The schools popularity grew to a point that she had no more space. She solicited help from Northern philanthropists Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. They gave close to four million dollars to her efforts. In 1909 she began the “Martha Berry School for Girl”s. The schools grew until in 1930 a four year college was established. Berry College, located outside Rome, Georgia now has thirty-five buildnigs on over twenty-eight thousand acres, and offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees to its two thousand students. She died in Atlanta, Georgia in 1942. (bio by: Bigwoo)  Family links:  Parents:  Thomas Berry (1821 – 1887)  Frances Margaret Rhea Berry (1838 – 1926)  Siblings:  Eugenia Enfield Berry Ruspoli (1861 – 1951)*  Martha McChesney Berry (1866 – 1942)  Elizabeth Rebecca Clarke Berry Wright (1867 – 1955)*  Isaac James Berry (1867 – 1948)*  Thomas Berry (1872 – 1942)*  Lila Huntington Berry Graham (1873 – 1951)*  Frances Berry Bonnyman (1878 – 1968)*  Laura Berry Campbell (1878 – 1970)* *Calculated relationship


  • October, 07, 1866
  • USA


  • February, 02, 1942
  • USA


  • Berry College Chapel Cemetery
  • Georgia
  • USA

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