Marga Gil Röesset (Marga Gil Röesset)

Artist. At the age of twelve, she illustrated a book of her sister, entitled “El Niño de Oro.” In 1930, she triumphed with her sculpture “Adán y Eva.” Then began a prolific work, that was tragically ended by her suicide at the age of 24, due to her unhappy love for the poet Juan Ramón Jiménez, at this moment married with Zenobia Camprubí. She destroyed her last works and later, she committes suicide by gunshot. Among her works “Niño Acostado,” “Cabeza de Mujer,” “Niños Abrazados,” “Virgen con Niño,” “Hombre Rtorcido,” “Buda y Su Madre,” “Para Toda la Vida,” “Busto de Zenobia Camprubí” and “La Mujer del Ahorcado.” Also she was a succesful sketcher with works such as “Idilio,” “Tragedia de Ensueño,” “Maternidad,” “Cristo y Dos Ladrones,” “Mi Amita Negra” and “Grupo.” Her gravetone was destroyed by a bomb during Spanish Civil War. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)
- March, 03, 1908
- July, 07, 1932
- Cementerio de Las Rozas
- Madrid
- Spain