Lyle B. Chapman (Lyle B. Chapman)

Lyle B. Chapman

Law Enforcement Figure. He was one of the original members of Elliot Ness’ “The Untouchables.” A 1910 Colgate College football player and a World War I United States Army officer,  and being known to be a gifted investigator and physically strong, he was one of the first nine agents that Ness selected for his team,  which was assembled to bring Chicago, Illinois gangster Al Capone and his operation to a halt. In 1929 Capone and other gangsters were openly violating prohibition laws and engaging in bloody turf wars. It was believed that Capone’s bootlegging operation was making almost a million and half dollars a week selling illicit alcohol. Between 1929 and 1931 Chapman participated in many of the raids against Capone’s breweries and speakeasies. The efforts of “The Untouchables” (called so because they could not be bribed by the criminal elements) brought in enough evidence for the Internal Revenue Service to convict Capone of tax evasion and send him to federal prison. With Capone in prison, his empire collapsed and so “The Untouchables” was no longer needed. Lyle Chapman died in his Glendale, California home of a heart attack in 1966. (bio by: Randy)


  • April, 02, 1890
  • USA


  • September, 09, 1966
  • USA


  • Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park
  • California
  • USA

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