Luis Dubón (Luis Dubón)

Luis Dubón

Painter. He was born in Valencia, Spain. A prodigy child painter, he was known as the Painter Poet. In 1916, he began his career as illustrator with works such as “Moro,” “Episodios Nacionales,” “Los Tramperos de Arkansas” and the drawnings for the artist Manuel González Martí’s book  “Contes del Pla i de la Muntanya.” Also he was a pioneer in the introduction of the cartoons on the newspapers, in “Los Chicos” from “El Mercantil Valenciano.” During Spanish Civil War, he made several propaganda posters for the Republican Government. Later, he worked as “Fallas” designer until his death. As a painter, he is remembered for “La Rocha de la Alquería,” “Labradora Valenciana,” “El Lecho,” “Pájaro Verde,” “Algarrobo,” “La Carrasca,” “Mi Esposa” and “Profecía de San Vicente Ferrer a Alfonso de Borja.” In his grave, his epitaph reads: “To Eminent Artist” and his last name is bad written in the gravestone, is not Portales, but Portolés. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)


  • July, 16, 1892


  • August, 08, 1953


  • Cementeri de Valencia
  • Valenciana
  • Spain

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