Lothar Fischer (Lothar Fischer)

Lothar Fischer

Artist. Born in Germershaim near Karlsruhe, he was one of Germany’s most acclaimed sculptors known for abstact human figures in clay, bronze and iron. Awarded numerous prizes in Germany and Europe for his art. A member of the German Artists federation from 1963 to 1994 and was professor at the University of the Arts, Berlin from 1975 to 1997. Early in his career exhibited his work in Kassel, Amsterdam, Duisburg, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden and later primarily in Germny and Switzerland. Produced a scupture for the city of Munich in 1971 and in 1972 for Darmstadt; solo exhibition in the Gallerie d’Arte del Naviglio, Milan in 1973. Four days after his death, the Lothar Fischer Museum, displaying over 300 of his 1,500 works, opened in Neumarkt where he spent the early part of his life. Died of natural causes in Baierbrunn near Munich, Germany. (bio by: Fred Beisser)


  • November, 08, 1933
  • Germany


  • June, 06, 2004
  • Germany


  • Baierbrunner Friedhof
  • Germany

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