JJ.P.oJ.P.hJ.P.nJ.P. J.P.PJ.P.iJ.P.eJ.P.rJ.P.pJ.P.oJ.P.nJ.P.tJ.P. J.P.J.P.J.P.J.P.JJ.P..J.P.PJ.P..J.P.J.P.J.P.J.P. J.P.MJ.P.oJ.P.rJ.P.gJ.P.aJ.P.nJ.P. (John Pierpont Morgan)

Financier, Businessman. One of the richest men in the world during his time, he is considered one of the business titans of the Modern Age. He orchestrated the creation of the companies General Electric, United States Steel and numerous others, creating monopolies that brought him both fame and legendary wealth. Family links: Parents: Junius Spencer Morgan (1813 – 1890) Juliet Pierpont Morgan (1816 – 1884) Spouses: Frances Louise Tracy Morgan (1842 – 1924)* Amelia Sturges Morgan (1835 – 1862)* Children: Louisa Pierpont Morgan Satterlee (1866 – 1946)* John Pierpont Morgan (1867 – 1943)* Anne Tracy Morgan (1873 – 1952)* Siblings: John Pierpont Morgan (1837 – 1913) Sarah Spencer Morgan Morgan (1839 – 1896)* Junius Spencer Morgan (1846 – 1850)* Juliet Pierpont Morgan (1847 – 1923)* *Calculated relationship
- April, 17, 1837
- March, 03, 1913
- Italy
- Cedar Hill Cemetery
- Connecticut