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Texas Ranger. Born in New Braunfels, Texas, in 1912, he was determined from a very young age to become a Texas Ranger. As a young man growing up he came in contact with the Rangers several times, seeing them in and around the ranches and farms that he grew up around. At the age of 16 he left his family’s farm and moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he began working for the San Antonio Electric Company. At the age of 17 he applied to become a motorcycle policeman and by the age of 18, he was a criminal investigator in Bexar County. Klevenhagen investigated the famous ‘Alligator Man’ murders where it was believed that a man was feeding more then just stray animals to his pet alligators. In 1941 he finally joined the Texas Rangers, being assigned to Company A in Houston. He worked many cases including illegal gambling, organized crime, and bringing down George Parr, the ‘Duke of Duval.’ Due to his experience with ballistics and fingerprints, he was promoted to Captain in 1957. In late 1957 due to an extreme workload he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized. On November 26, 1958, he suffered another heart attck and died at the age of 46. He was inducted into the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame in Waco, Texas. (bio by: K) Family links: Parents: Frank John Klevenhagen (1891 – 1960) Mary Videau Klevenhagen (1878 – 1944) Children: John Joseph Klevenhagen (1941 – 1999)* Sibling: John Joseph Klevenhagen (1912 – 1958) George Joseph Klevenhagen (1914 – 1966)* *Calculated relationship
- June, 12, 1912
- November, 11, 1958
- Mission Burial Park South
- Texas