John Bauer (John Bauer)

Swedish Artist and Illustrator. Acclaimed for describing the world of elves, trolls and the mystique of the Nordic fairy tales. From 1907-1910 and 1912-1915 he illustrated a Swedish annual Christmas book for children, called “Bland tomtar och troll” (Among Elves and Trolls). That title has become synonumous with his pictures more than the contents of the stories. He also illustrated “Great Swedish Fairy Tales.” A stormy night in november 1918 he and his family, wife Ester and three year old Putte, were going by the ferryboat Per Brahe on Lake Vättern. But they never reached harbour as the boat sank. When his death was announced a National mourning affected Sweden. (bio by: Peter Robsahm)
- June, 04, 1882
- November, 11, 1918
- Östra Kyrkogården (The Eastern Cemetery)
- Sweden