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Johan Heinrich “Joop” Doderer

Actor. Best known for his role as the tramp “Swiebertje” on television series, he acted in dozens of radio and television programs. He portrayed ‘Alfred Doolittle’ in “My Fair Lady”, acted in Dutch and English movies, and appeared on stage in comedies, musicals, cabaret and dramas. In 1979, he performed his most acclaimed film role as a a South African agent in “The Human Factor”, a film by Otto Preminger that also starred Richard Attenborough, Derek Jacobi and John Gielgud.  Doderer was a Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau (Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau). He died in a nursing home in Roelofarendsveen. (bio by: Ilonka)


  • August, 28, 1921
  • Netherlands


  • September, 09, 2005
  • Netherlands


  • Amsterdam Begraafplaats Zorgvlied
  • Netherlands

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