Jesse Edward Curry (Jesse Edward Curry)

Jesse Edward Curry

Kennedy Assassination Figure, Police Officer. A native of Dallas, Texas, Curry was the Chief of the Dallas Police Department at the the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Born in 1913, Curry was educated at the Dallas Technical High School, and later worked for the Vitalic Battery Company. He also had his own cleaning and pressing shop before turning to law enforcement in 1936. In the time that followed, Curry took several civil service examinations so that he was able to gain promotions to the positions of a detective, sergeant, lieutenant of police, captain of police, and inspector of police. Curry attended the FBI National Academy in Washington, D.C., and was eventually named the Chief of Police in 1960. On November 22, 1963, while on a visit to Dallas, President John F. Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, while riding in his motorcade. Curry, who was driving the motorcade’s lead car, took control of the situation. President Kennedy was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital but later died. Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Curry was involved in discussions with President Kennedy’s special assistant Kenneth O’Donnell and Secret Service agent Winston G. Lawson about the route of that President John F. Kennedy was to take on that fateful day. However, Curry always insisted that it was Agent Lawson who made all the major decisions. The next day Curry told reporters that he could tell by the sound of the shots that they had come from the Texas School Book Depository. Ironically Curry was also responsible for protecting Lee Harvey Oswald, and was also protecting Lyndon B. Johnson when he was sworn as President. He later claimed that just before Jack Ruby shot Oswald he was “called to take a phone call from Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell”. The noted columnist Dorothy Kilgallen later obtained the Dallas Police Department radio logs for the day of the Kennedy assassination. The logs revealed that as soon as the shots were fired in the Dealey Plaza, Curry issued an order to search the Grassy Knoll area. This contradicted what Curry had told reporters and the Warren Commission. After viewing the famous Zapruder Film footage of the assassination, Curry came to the conclusion that Texas Governor John Connally and President John F. Kennedy had been hit by separate bullets. He told interviewer Tom Johnson that he was not convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy, “We don’t have any proof that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody’s yet been able to put him in the Texas School Book Depository building with a gun in his hand.” In 1969, Curry authored the book, “The JFK Assassination File.” He passed away from a heart attack at the age of 66, in 1980.  (bio by: K)  Family links:  Parents:  James E. Curry (1889 – 1943)  Florence Cathey Curry (1885 – 1955)  Spouse:  Bessie M. Curry (1918 – 1986)*  Siblings:  Jesse Edward Curry (1913 – 1980)  Peter Marshall Curry (1916 – 1992)*  Emma Louise Curry (1921 – 1928)* *Calculated relationship


  • October, 03, 1913
  • USA


  • June, 06, 1980
  • USA


  • Grove Hill Memorial Park
  • Texas
  • USA

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