Jan Crouch (Janice Wendell Crouch)

Jan Crouch

Jan Crouch was the daughter of Reverend and Mrs. Edgar W. Bethany, and grew up in Columbus, Georgia. Her father served as a pastor in the Assemblies of God denomination, and was the founding president of Southeastern University (Florida). While attending Evangel College in Springfield, Missouri, Crouch met Paul F. Crouch. They married in 1957, and have two sons, Paul Jr. and Matthew, both of whom are high-ranking officials and program hosts on TBN. In 1973, Paul and Jan Crouch co-founded Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). In 1974, TBN purchased its first TV station, KLXA-TV (channel 40, now KTBN-TV) in Southern California, and began distribution through cable systems in 1978. Under the Crouch family, TBN grew to become the United States’ largest Christian television network, offering 24-hour commercial-free programming, and TBN is currently third largest over-the-air Station Group in the United States (measured as percentage of homes reached), with CBS, Fox, and NBC holding the 4th, 5th and 6th place, according to TV News Check’s annual listing of the Top 30 Station Groups. TBN owns and operates five independent TV networks, each of which adheres to a faith-based message, but reaching separate demographics. TBN networks include TBN itself, JUCE TV, TBN Enlace, Smile of a Child, and The Church Channel.

Since its founding, Jan Crouch served as TBN’s vice president and director of network programming, as well as the director of programming for TBN’s affiliated networks, such as the Smile of a Child children’s channel, the JUCE TV youth network, The Church Channel, the TBN Enlace USA Spanish language network, and others. She was also the President and manager of The Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando, Florida. In March 2012, Crouch was accused by her granddaughter, a former employee and chief finance director of the network (a registered charity), of misappropriating network funds to spend on a lavish lifestyle. Expenditures included expensive homes, private jets, massive custom wigs, and a $100,000 air conditioned mobile home solely for her dogs. The New York Times wrote that Crouch, for nearly two years, rented adjoining rooms for herself and her two Maltese dogs at the deluxe Loews Portofino Bay Hotel while she was building the Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando, Florida. Jan Crouch suffered a massive stroke on May 25, 2016, and was hospitalized. She died in Orlando, Florida, on May 31, 2016. She was 78.

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  • March, 14, 1938
  • New Brockton, Alabama


  • May, 31, 2016
  • Orlando, Florida

Cause of Death

  • stroke


  • Pacific View Memorial Park
  • Corona del Mar, California

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