Jacques Dufilho (Jacques Dufilho)

Jacques Dufilho

French Actor. His acting career spanned six decades and he appeared mainly as a supporting actor in over 160 films and 15 stage productions. Born in Bègles, Gironde, Aquitaine, France, he first studied agriculture and then went to Paris to pursue his passion, art and sculture. Because of his mentor, the French actor Charles Dullin, he debuted in a theatre workshop in 1930 and then later appeared as François Sovignant in the 1949 film, “Ferme des septs péchés” (“The Farm of Seven Sins”). His first film appearance was in “Le Corsaire”(1939) and his role as the Captain in the German film, “Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht” (the U.S. version was “Nosferatu the Vampyre”) propelled his cinematic career forward in 1979. His last appearance was in 2003 as the Rector in “Là-haut, un roi au-dessus des nuages” (English: “Above the Clouds”). Won best supporting actor for his 1977 role in “Le Crabe Tambour” and again for his work in the 1980 filme “Mauvais Fils” from the French Academy of Cinema, best actor in the film “C’est quoi la vie” at San Sebastion Film Festival in 1999 as well as the France’s national César Award for best supporting actor in 1978 and in 1981. His autobiography, “Les  sirènes du bateau-loup,” was published in 2003. He died in Paris, France. (bio by: Fred Beisser)


  • February, 18, 1914
  • France


  • August, 08, 2005
  • France


  • Cimetière de Ponsampère
  • France

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