Herman Bang (Herman Bang)

Herman Bang

Writer. He was born in Als (Denmark) and died in Ogden City (Utah). Active as an author, journalist, stage director and reader up until the time of his death. His most famous novel, Haabløse Slægter (1880, Generations Without Hope) was condemned as pornographic and the book was banned. His other books include Excentriske Noveller (Eccentric Short Stories), Stille Eksistenser (Humble Lives), Ved Vejen (By the Roadside), Stuk (Stucco) and Tine. (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)


  • April, 20, 1857
  • Denmark


  • January, 01, 1912
  • USA


  • Vestre Kirkegard
  • Hovedstaden
  • Denmark

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