Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe Schoolcraft)

Indian Agent. Explorer. Author. He was involved with the Native Americans of the Midwest for over thirty years. While working with the Chippewa, he was the first to discover and report the true source of the Mississippi River. It is believe that he was the first non-Native American to visit Lake Itasca while looking for the river’s source. Almost three hundred acres in the area is known today as the Schoolcraft State Park. He wrote many books and reports about the Native Americans, including “Indian Tribes of North America” and “Personal Memories of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes.” (bio by: Evening Blues) Family links: Spouses: Mary Howard Schoolcraft (1820 – 1878)* Jane Johnston Schoolcraft (1800 – 1842)* Children: John J Schoolcraft (1829 – 1865)* *Calculated relationship Inscription:SCHOOLCRAFTHenry Rowe1793 — 1864AND WIFEMary HowardDied – 1877
- March, 28, 1793
- December, 12, 1864
- Congressional Cemetery