Henry Newell Cady (Henry Newell Cady)

Henry Newell Cady

Artist, Author. He was an 1869 graduate of Brown University and briefly attended the National Academy of Design in New York. Largely self-taught, his paintings were mostly New England coastal scenes. Among the places they were seen during his lifetime were the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, the St. Louis Exposition of 1904, and the Expostion of American Artists in Springfield, Massachusetts. In recent years, retrospectives of his work have been held at the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Italy, in 1985, and in 1996 at the Bent Gallery in Providence, Rhode Island. Besides his paintings, his illustrations appeared in numerous magazines as well as in several books. He wrote and illustrated two books under the pseudonym Wallace P. Stanley. The books were titled “Down the Bay, or Joe and I on Salt Water” and “Our Week Afloat, or How We Explored the Pequonset River”. His wife, Annie Cole Cady, authored a two-volume history, “The American Continent and Its Inhabitants Before Its Discovery by Columbus”, and he provided the illustrations. Among his other talents were composing piano music, even after he began to go deaf, and photography. Many of his photographs of Warren may be seen in “Images of America: Warren” by Ruth Marris Macauley and John Chaney, published in 1997. (bio by: Jen Snoots)  Family links:  Parents:  Isaac Foote Cady (1818 – 1884)  Clementine Lee Cady (1823 – 1886)  Spouse:  Annie Cole Cady (1850 – 1911)*  Children:  Lawrence Whittredge Cady (1874 – 1944)*  Henry Dewees Cady (1876 – 1951)*  Alice Clementine Cady (1879 – 1898)*  Siblings:  Henry Newell Cady (1849 – 1935)  Isaac Foote Cady (1850 – 1853)*  Clementine Lee Cady (1856 – 1859)*  Milton Howard Cady (1857 – 1859)* *Calculated relationship


  • July, 08, 1849
  • USA


  • May, 05, 1935
  • USA


  • South Burial Ground
  • USA

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