Harry Lundeberg (Harrald Olaf Lundeberg)

Harry Lundeberg

Harry Lundeberg left his home in Oslo, Norway at age 14, joined the Seamen’s Union of Australia in 1917 and transferred into the Sailors’ Union of the Pacific in Seattle in 1923. He sailed for 21 years on sailing ships and steamers of a variety of flags, eventually earning American citizenship. In 1934, Lundeberg was sailing as third mate aboard the SS James W. Griffiths. In the course of the 1934 West Coast Longshore Strike, Lundeberg walked off his ship in Oakland in support of the strike. At its height, at least 8,000 west coast sailors joined the strike. On July 30, 1934, as the strike came close to conclusion, Lundeberg was elected Sailor’s Union of the Pacific patrolman for the Seattle area. In April 1935 at a conference of maritime unions in Seattle, it was decided to establish an umbrella union to represent the membership of the International Seaman’s Union as well as maritime officers and longshoremen. This umbrella organization was called the Maritime Federation and Harry Lundeberg was named its first president. Later that year, he was elected Secretary-Treasurer of SUP. Over the next two years, the International Seamen’s Union experienced intense difficulties, including the revocation of their charter and the loss of 30,000 seamen in July 1937 to the Congress of Industrial Organizations’ newly formed National Maritime Union. A month later, William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, took over the ISU with the goal of rebuilding it under the AFL. Lundeberg, who was now also head of the Sailor’s Union of the Pacific, oversaw this reorganization. On October 15, 1938 at an AFL convention in Houston, Texas, Green handed Lundeberg the Seafarer’s International Union charter. The new union numbered some 7,000 members on the east and gulf coasts. Harry Lundeberg served as president of SIU from 1938 until his death from a heart attack in a San Francisco hospital on January 28, 1957.

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  • Harry_Lundeberg_at_the_Sailors_Union_Of_The_Pacific_headquarters_June_16_1950_AAD-5686 -

  • original -


  • March, 25, 1901
  • Oslo, Norway


  • January, 28, 1957
  • USA
  • San Francisco, California

Cause of Death

  • heart attack


  • Olivet Memorial Park
  • Colma, California
  • USA

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