Gustinus Ambrosi (Gustinus Ambrosi)

Gustinus Ambrosi

Artist, Poet. Born August Arthur Ambrosi, he was an accomplished musician, but it was his sculptures that brought him early recognition, and he is now considered one of Austria’s greatest sculptors. He specialized in portraits; his work includes, among hundreds of others, busts of Richard Wagner, Gerhard Hauptmann, Friedrich Nietzsche, Benito Mussolini, Anton Wildgans, Stefan Zweig, Pius XI, and Pius XII. He is also known for his sculptures depicting Biblical characters and themes, and further, for his several books of poetry. The city of Graz awarded him an “Ehrengrab,” a grave of honor. His former studio in Vienna is now the Gustinus Ambrosi Museum. (bio by: Kendall Mellem)


  • February, 24, 1893
  • Austria


  • July, 07, 1975
  • Austria


  • Saint Leonhard Cemetery
  • Austria

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