GGabyaGabybGabyrGabyiGabyeGabylGaby Gaby釭abyGaby淕abyGGabyaGabybGabyyGaby釭abyGaby滸aby GabyAGabyrGabyaGabygGaby肎aby矴abynGaby GabyBGabyeGabyrGabymGaby肎aby篏abydGabyeGabyzGaby (Gabriel Arag贸n Berm煤dez)

Entertainer. He was the son of Clown Emig. He was born in Puente de Vallecas (Madrid). He triumphed with his brothers Fof贸 and Miliki in Spain and South America. In Spain, they obtained a big success in the TV program “El Circo de Televisi贸n Espa帽ola.” He also played the saxofon. In 1995, when he died, their sons take his place and work with the name Los Gabytos (Lara, Gaby, Rodrigo, Gon, Pepete and Beb茅). They appeared in TV program “Las Aventuras de los Gabytos.” (bio by: Jos茅 L Bernab茅 Tronchoni)
- July, 03, 1920
- January, 01, 1995
- Cementerio de Pozuelo de Alarc贸n
- Madrid
- Spain