Frankie Burke (Frankie Burke)

Frankie Burke

Actor. He is best known for his uncanny resemblence to James Cagney. He portrayed the younger version of Mr. Cagney’s character in the 1938 Warner Brothers production of “Angels With Dirty Faces.” He went on to appear in 16 other films, finishing a three year contract with Warner brother’s Studio’s before retiring from Hollywood after his last screen appearance in 1941 as “Jockey Buddy Burns” in the movie “Shadow of the Thin Man” with William Powell and Myrna Loy. He spent time in Nevada, living in obscurity, before moving on to Kansas, where he worked as a general laborer until his death.


  • June, 06, 1915
  • USA


  • April, 04, 1983
  • USA


  • Fairview Cemetery
  • Kansas
  • USA

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