Frank Alexander (Frank Alexander)

Frank Alexander

Actor.  A figure from the silent motion picture era, he weighed well over 300 pounds during his film career, and had the nicknamed of “Tiny”. A stage driver prior to putting on weight and going to Hollywood, California, he became a member of comedian Larry Semon’s stock company. He appeared in a number of motion picture comedies before ending his relationship with Semon after playing ‘Dorothy’s’ father in 1925’s “Wizard of Oz.”  At one time publicized as one of the three fattest men on the screen, he then appeared in a number of films for Joseph P. Kennedy’s “Film Booking Office.”  In 1928 his career dwindled, reducing him to playing supporting roles for director Hal Roach. When sound came into the motion picture industry, his career was virtually finished, and his last parts were a number of bit roles for Universal RKO Pictures, with his last role being unaccredited in the film  “The Barber Shop” starring W.C. Fields. (bio by: TLS)


  • May, 25, 1879
  • USA


  • September, 09, 1937
  • USA


  • Hollywood Forever Cemetery
  • California
  • USA

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