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US Secret Service Agent. He was involved in a fierce gunfight on November 1, 1950 with two Puerto Rican nationalists who were attempting to assassinate President Harry S. Truman. One of the assassins and a White House police officer, Leslie Coffelt, were killed in the shootout. The incident was recounted in the 2005 book “American Gunfight: The Plot to Kill President Truman — and the Shoot-out That Stopped It,” by Stephen Hunter and John Bainbridge, Jr. (bio by: George Bacon) Family links: Parents: Earl C. Boring (1884 – 1955) Frances M. Murray Boring (1886 – 1986) Spouse: Ruth Lucille Lehner Boring (1919 – 2005)* Siblings: James E. Boring (1907 – 1977)* Colonel E. Boring (1909 – 1983)* Floyd Murray Boring (1915 – 2008) *Calculated relationship
- June, 25, 1915
- February, 02, 2008
- Gate of Heaven Cemetery
- Maryland