Edward Mead Johnson (Edward Mead Johnson)

Edward Mead Johnson

Businessman. He co-founded the “Johnson and Johnson” Company with his brother James Woods Johnson, later joining them was their brother Robert. Together they made names like “Bandaid” bandages, “Enfamil” baby formula, and sterile gauze bandages household names. Today, “Mead Johnson,” named after E. Mead Johnson, is located in Evansville Indiana. Other products to their credit include the pain reliver Tylenol, and Neutrogena hair and skin products. (bio by: Familykeeper)  Family links:  Children:  Edward Mead Johnson (1888 – 1930)*  Lambert Dunning Johnson (1922 – 1977)* *Calculated relationship


  • April, 23, 1852
  • USA


  • March, 03, 1934
  • USA


  • Oak Hill Cemetery
  • Indiana
  • USA

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