Delia Salter Bacon (Delia Salter Bacon)

Delia Salter Bacon

Author. She became convinced that works attributed to William Shakespeare were actually written by Francis Bacon, Edmund Spenser, and Sir Walter Raleigh, who, for political reasons, credited them to an obscure actor named William Shakespeare. She published “The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded” in 1857, but became insane immediately after. Her theories have continued to have continued to have proponents up to the present day.  Family links:  Parents:  David Bacon (1771 – 1817)  Alice Parks Bacon (1783 – 1850) Inscription:IN GRATEFUL REMEMBRANCE THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED BY HER FORMER PUPILS


  • February, 02, 1811
  • USA


  • September, 09, 1859
  • USA


  • Grove Street Cemetery
  • Connecticut
  • USA

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