Clay Drewry Blair, Jr (Clay Drewry Blair)

Clay Drewry Blair, Jr

Author,  Journalist.  Considered an outstanding authority on submarine warfare,  which he called “silent service”.  Clay Drewry Blair, Jr. was born in Lexington,  Virginia.  During World War II he served as a Quarter Master second class aboard the submarine USS Guardfish on two war patrols. After the war ended he attended Tulane and Colombia Universities. In 1949 he joined Time and Life Magazines as a correspondent in the Washington Bureau. In 1957 he became a writer for The Saturday Evening Post. Subsequently he was named Managing Editor and Editor in Chief of the Post. In 1965 he terminated his magazine career and became a free-lance writer. He became one of the foremost submarine specialists in the world with such military-themed books as “Silent Victory: The US Submarine War Against Japan”, “Return from the River Kwai”, “The Atomic Submarine and Admiral Rickover”, “Nautilus 90 North”, “Hitler’s U-Boat War” and the novel “Pentagon Country”. (bio by: Dave Jones)


  • May, 01, 1925
  • USA


  • December, 12, 1998
  • USA


  • Arlington National Cemetery
  • Virginia
  • USA

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