Carles Fontserè (Carles Fontserè)

Carles Fontserè

Artist. A native of Catalunya, Spain, Fontseré was the last survivor of the Republican Generation of Artists. Widely known internationally, he is probably best remembered by his propaganda posters during Spanish Civil War. Forced into exile, he then moved to Mexico and later to New York, where he developed a successful career from 1950 to 1973 as a photographer and a set designer, along with the painter Salvador Dalí and the actor Mario Mareno “Cantinflas.” His last exhibition of photographies was “New York 1626-1990,” that reflects the way he sees this city of skyscrapers, it’s evolution, its landmarks and its people and includes a large mural dominated by the city’s skyline, a tribute to the Twin Towers. Also Fontsere was the author of “Memorias de un Cartelista,” “Un Exiliado de Tercera” and “París, México, Nueva York. Memories.” He died in his hometown. According La Vanguardia newspaper, he was cremated and his ashes given to his widow, Terry Broch.  (bio by: José L Bernabé Tronchoni)


  • March, 09, 1916


  • January, 01, 2007


  • Cremated

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