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Calvin Robert “Cal” Ellison

Child Actor. Calvin played a recurring role in the Our Gang films as Nutsy, a member of Butch’s gang at the Belasco Theater. He played in Glove Taps (1937), Little Ranger (1938), and Joy Scouts (1939). He also played in several East Side Kids Films; Make a Wish, a Bobby Breen movie; Mr.Smith Goes to Washington, starring Jimmy Stewart; Boys Town, with Mickey Rooney and also a western that starred Gabby Hayes. His last audition was for a James Cagney movie in which he was one of 10 finalists. His mother, Clara Ellison, owned a talent agency and that’s partly how he and his two siblings got into acting. The other break came when he and his brother built a derby racing car and a producer of the Our Gang series was passing by their house, saw it and wanted to buy it and use it in the show. They said “Sure, on one condition…we can be in the show.” They were hired. (bio by: gen2003)  Family links:  Parents:  Talbert C. Ellison (1898 – 1972)  Clara A. Manke Ellison (1892 – 1978)  Siblings:  Ruth Ellen Smith Prescott (1912 – 1991)**  Talbert Earl Ellison (1920 – 1957)*  Calvin Robert Ellison (1925 – 2010)  Donald Leslie Ellison (1930 – 1980)* *Calculated relationship**Half-sibling


  • May, 14, 1925
  • USA


  • November, 11, 2010
  • USA


  • Mobile Memorial Gardens Cemetery
  • Alabama
  • USA

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