Anton Hulman, Sr (Anton Hulman)

Anton Hulman, Sr

Father of Anton Hulman Jr. He willed Hulman & Co., a multimillion-dollar business, to his son, who was also a successful businessman and generous philanthropist, and who is best remembered for purchasing and resurrecting the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, which had fallen into disrepair through inactivity during World War Two, and developing the Indianapolis 500 into the “Greatest Spectacle in Racing.  Family links:  Parents:  Herman Hulman (1831 – 1913)  Antonia Riefenstahl Hulman (1832 – 1883)  Children:  Anton Hulman (1901 – 1977)*  Siblings:  Maria Hulman (1863 – 1866)*  Anton Hulman (1864 – 1942)  Herman Hulman (1867 – 1922)* *Calculated relationship


  • October, 04, 1864
  • USA


  • February, 02, 1942
  • USA


  • Calvary Cemetery
  • Indiana
  • USA

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