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Professional Hockey Player. A native of Victoria Mines, Ontario, Arbour played the position of Left Wing for teams in the NHL, OHA-Jr, NHA, and the St-Cup hockey leagues. At 5’08, and 160lbs, Arbour played for the Victoria Harbour Station from 1914 to 1915, Montreal Canadiens from 1915 to 1916, 1918 to 1921, Toronto 228th Battalion from 1916 to 1917, Hamilton Tigers from 1921 to 1923, and the Toronto St. Pats from 1923 until his retirement in 1924. Arbour who was also A veteran of World War I. He died in Orillia, Ontario, at the age of 48. (bio by: K) Family links: Spouse: Ursala M. Murphy Arbour (1894 – 1966)* Children: John L. Arbour (1926 – 1948)* *Calculated relationship Inscription:ARBOURIn Memory of Armos J. Arbour1895 – 1943Beloved Husband ofUrsula M. Murphy1894 – 1966John L. Arbour1926 – 1948
- January, 26, 1895
- Canada
- November, 11, 1943
- Canada
- Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Cemetery (New)
- Ontario
- Canada