Aldo Giuffrè (Aldo Giuffrè)

Aldo Giuffrè

Actor. Best known internationally for his role as Alcoholic Union Captain in the epic film “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (1966) by Sergio Leone. In 1942, he began his career as a stage actor into the company of Eduardo De Filippo where he had a long apprenticeship that allowed him to experience himself as an actor in various expressive styles, developing a great versatility. Along with the company of Eduardo De Filippo, he acted in several plays including notably “Filumena Marturano”, “Questi fantasmi!”, “Le bugie con le gambe lunghe”, “Le voci di dentro”, “La grande magia” and “La paura numero uno”. In 1950, he starred alongside Andreina Pagnani in “Cheri” by Colette. After working with Luchino Visconti in Rome, he moved to the Piccolo Teatro of Milan, offering a memorable performance in “Le notti dell’ira” (1956) directed by Giorgio Strehler. In 1948, he made his debut in the film industry debuting as a film actor in the film “Assunta Spina” by Mario Mattioli. In his film career lasting over fifty years, he worked as a character actor in over eighty films including notably films such as “Ieri, oggi, domani” (1963) by Vittorio De Sica, “Napoli milionaria” (1950) directed by Eduardo De Filippo, “Un turco napoletano” (1953) by Mario Mattoli, “ll carabiniere a cavallo” (1961) by Carlo Lizzani and “Il giorno più corto” (1963) directed by Sergio Corbucci. Giuffre also worked for television in several television dramas including “La figlia del capitano” (1965), in the role of tenente Shvabrin, and in the episodes of the series “Le avventure di Laura Storm”. He died at eighty-six due to peritonitis. (bio by: Ruggero)


  • April, 10, 1924
  • Italy


  • June, 06, 2010
  • Italy


  • Cimitero Flaminio
  • Lazio
  • Italy

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