Albert Kachellek (Albert Kachellek)

Organized Crime Figure. Also known as James “Jim” Clark, he was a gangster working for Bugs Moran that fell victim to the infamous St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago, Illinois (the other victims were Reinhardt Schwimmer, Frank Gusenberg and his brother Peter Gusenberg, Adam Heyer (aka Adam Meyer), John May and Albert Weinshank aka Albert Weinshenker). On January 19, 1929, Patsy Lolordo, a gangster working for Al Capone, and his wife, Aleina Lolordo, were murdered in their Chicago home by 3 men, James Clark (born Albert Kachellek), Pete Gusenberg and Frank Gusenberg, all working for Capone’s rival, George “Bugs” Moran. The murder of Lolordo and his wife broke a truce orchestrated by Al Capone six months earlier, in which Capone had organized a moratorium on violence between the various Chicago mobsters. A week later, the Gusenberg brothers attempted to murder Capone mobster, Jack “Machine Gun” McGurn. Capone then decided to assassinate Moran, and had McGurn put together the hit team of four men, Fred Burke, James Ray, John Scalise and Albert Anselmi. Using a bootlegger to lure the Moran gang to a Chicago garage in order to purchase good whiskey at a bargain price, the gang agreed to meet at 10:30 am, on Thursday, February 14. Spotting a man they thought was Bugs Moran, Burke and Ray entered the garage dressed as policemen, and “arrested” the seven Moran gang members there. Arriving late, Bugs Moran escaped the “hit” when he saw what he thought were police entering the garage, just as he was arriving. The Moran gang cooperated with the fake police, since they knew that their boss would bail them out of jail that afternoon. Lining the men up against the wall after disarming them, Burke and Ray then had Scalise and Anselmi join them in the garage, and the four men, using tommy guns, sprayed the seven Moran men with automatic fire. The two fake policemen then marched their companions out the garage with their hands in the air (to throw off any watching neighbors) and into a car disguised to look like a police squad car. It was obvious to everyone that Bugs Moran was the real target of the hit, and that Al Capone had ordered it. However, both Capone and “Machine Gun” McGurn had arranged for ironclad alibis (Capone was in Florida, and McGurn was in a hotel across town), and no one was ever charged with the crime. Killed with Albert Kachellek were the two Gusenberg brothers, along with four other Moran gang members. The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, as the press called it, became a media event, making Al Capone a familiar name with the Federal Government, and the public outcry over the violence forced the Federal government to target getting Al Capone into prison. Scalise and Anselmi were found murdered a month later, and two years later, Burke was convicted of murdering a police officer in St. Joseph, Michigan, and was sentenced to life in the Michigan State Pen. “Machine Gun” McGurn was murdered on St. Valentine’s Day 1936 by two men using Tommy Guns.
- March, 11, 1890
- February, 14, 1929
- Illinois