Alan Merrill (Allan Preston Sachs)

Alan Merrill

Alan Merrill

Alan Merrill who was born as Allan Preston Sachs on February 19, 1951, was an American vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, actor, and model.

Singer, guitarist, and songwriter, Alan Merrill, passed away on Sunday, March 29, 2020. Alan was always there for the people he loved and his gentle and joyful soul will live on forever across the airwaves in his music.
January-February-March 2020 – A new Alan Merrill solo album is in the works with a target release date of mid April 2020. The working title is “It’s Always Rock N Roll,” which is also the title track.The 14 song album will be of 12 original compositions, ranging in styles from rock, blues, R&B, country rock and folk. The only cover song on the album is the Left Banke classic “She May Call You Up Tonight.” Also a co-write with Japanese rockabilly legend, singer/actor Miki Curtis with the song “He Said, She Said” is included in the recording. Plus, the first ever released version of the Tom Feher song “I Have Been Searching” is on the album, which Alan Merrill performed on Japanese TV and live shows in Japan in 1970-’71. The film Alan has an acting role in, the Dylan Greenberg movie “Spirit Riser” (Disck pictures) will be released as a four part mini series. Also Alan’s song “Helium Hag” is featured in the Lloyd Kaufman produced Troma film “Shakespeare’s Sh*tstorm.” Alan also has a cameo apperance as a DJ in the film. Alan Merrill has live shows in the New York and the greater New York area as always with his band The Extravaganza and a tour of Germany and England is being discussed for July 2020 with Alan Merrill’s New Arrows. Please watch the tour dates and appearances section of this website for updates.
August-December 2019 – November and December this year Alan Merrill is recording a new solo album at Jon Gordon’s studio in the Shelter Island complex in midtown Manhattan to be released in March of 2020, he is in the mixing phase the last week of December 2019. No live shows this month due to the recording schedule. Alan’s role in the film “Spirit Riser” is done and the film will be released in May of 2020 according to Producer Dylan Greenberg.The film also stars Lynn Lowry, Cherie Currie, Ron Jeremy, Kansas Bowling and more. Rounding up the year Alan Merrill’s classic composition “I Love Rock N Roll” originally released in 1975 by his band the Arrows on RAK records (as a parody titled “I Love Sausage Rolls” by LadBaby) made its debut at # 1 in the UK charts Christmas week 2019. Alan Merrill’s band the Extravaganza are booked until June of 2020 in the New York area as wll as solo Acoustic shows inofrmation on the tour dates and appearances section of this website when they’re confirmed. Also a tour of Germany and England are being discussed for summer of 2020.
May-June-July 2019 – Alan Merrill has filmed two videos to promote his new album “Radio Zero” and the clips will be edited and ready for viewing later this summer. A great review of the new album by Mark McStea is at –> in the July issue of “Vive Le Rock” magazine <– There is also a great extensive interview with Alan Merrill by Laurent Bigot in Ugly Things magazine, May issue 2019. Alan Merrill has finished his scenes acting in the film “Spirit Riser” created by young prodigy film director Dylan Mars Greenberg. The sci-fi horror film will be out end of 2019. As usual live shows are in the works at various venues in the New York City area, information on the “Tour Dates & Appearances” section of this website.

March – April 2019 – Alan Merrill has filmed two videos to promote his new album “Radio Zero” and the clips will be edited and ready for viewing this summer. A great interview with Songfacts by Carl Wiser is at this link –> for the album “RadioZero” <– The new Alan Merrill 16 song solo album titled “Radio Zero” has been released this March 2019 and is available now at CD Baby for CDs and downloads at CD Baby, iTunes, Apple Music and more. A celebration at the Delancey is planned with a release party for the CD on March 26th. The album RADIO ZERO is available, CDs and downloads, at this link –> “RadioZero” <– As usual live shows are in the works at various venues in the New York City area, information on the “Tour Dates & Appearances” section of this website.




  • February, 19, 1951
  • The Bronx
  • New York City


  • March, 29, 2020
  • Manhattan
  • New York

Cause of Death

  • Coronvirus

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