Adam Asnyk (Adam Asnyk)

Adam Asnyk

Polish poet and dramatist. He published his poems in the collections Poezje (1869, 1872, 1880, 1894). He began his literary career in 1864-65. The fullest expression of his intellectualised poetry is the series of 30 sonnets, Nad glebiami (1883-94), owing to which Asnyk came to be referred to as “a poet-philosopher.” This series comprises the poet’s philosophical system, which was an attempt at reconciling idealism with positivist realism and scientism. He was leading poet of positivism period in polish literature. (bio by: Kasia)


  • September, 11, 1838


  • August, 08, 1897


  • Skalka Sanctuary
  • Malopolskie
  • Poland

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