Aaron Dale Allston (Aaron Dale Allston)

Author. He is the author of 13 Star Wars novels as well as many other science fiction, game based fiction and mystery novels, short stories and technical guides for writers. He was a widely sought out speaker and lecturer for state and national conferences and traveled extensively throughout the country teaching and mentoring aspiring writers. He was born in Corsicana, Texas and attended public schools in Big Lake, San Angelo, Wake Village and Denton, Texas graduating from Denton High School in 1979. He actively participated in the Science Fiction Club at DHS. He attended the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in journalism. He began his professional writing career at the Austin American Statesman newspaper and Steve Jackson games and has published extensively since 1988, entering the freelance writing field in 1997. He passed away from heart failure after a public appearance at VisionCon convention in Springfield, Missouri February 27, 2014. (bio by: Bob Miller)
- December, 08, 1960
- February, 02, 2014
- Oakwood Cemetery
- Texas