Robert Mazer (Robert Mazer)

Robert Mazer

Industrialist, philanthropist and longtime principal owner of the Chicago White Sox. He worked in the Chicago South Side stockyards and during World War II he served as an electronic technician in a Navy division headquartered at the Great Lakes Naval Center. Later he founded Mazer Chemicals, a manufacturer of chemical emulsifiers and surfactants and an employer of 250 people. In 1985 he sold his company to Pittsburgh Paint and Glass and soon thereafter realized a lifelong dream of acquiring a substantial ownership interest in the Chicago White Sox, of which he became the largest individual investor and held a permanent seat on the club’s Board of Directors. In 1981 he and his partners purchased the White Sox from Bill Veeck for $22.5 million. In 2004 Forbes listed the Sox’s worth at $223 million and in 2013 the franchise would attract offers estimated at about $300 million. (bio by: Bill Lee, The Baseball Undertaker)


  • August, 11, 1923
  • USA


  • October, 10, 2013
  • USA


  • Shalom Memorial Park
  • Illinois
  • USA

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